Want to Recession Proof Your Job? Focus On Value


October 25, 2023

Sharp Decisions
discussion about economic recession

During an economic recession, worries can start to swirl around your head about hiring freezes, job losses, and layoffs. With 2023 anticipated to be one of the most harmful recessions of all time (Bloomberg), what are you supposed to do if you’re doing everything right? While job security isn’t guaranteed and layoff decisions may be beyond your control, you can recession- your job and create a net of skills to traverse these waters by focusing on value.


Know your value

Examine what you bring to the table and focus on your unique set of skills. This could be the time to update your resume to meet the expectations of the current landscape. By focusing on your assets, you can create a plan on how to improve yourself. You have to know where you are before you know where to go!


Skill building

Diversify your skill set with hard and soft skills. What experiences are lacking or could provide you with another level of security? Explore online courses, programs, or certifications to broaden your horizon. Asking for opportunities to upskill work also shows determination to remain relevant and useful to your employer. During this time, consider keeping up to date with technological advances, as data shows more jobs are virtual than ever.


Elevate your performance

There are things you can do now in your current workspace to recession-proof your role, such as continuing to deliver high-quality work. Additionally, focus on notable soft and transferrable skills such as time management, productivity, and self-motivation. While expertise makes you an indispensable asset to your company, employers also look for motivation, productivity, and other soft skills as an identifier of success through and beyond recessionary times.


Build your network

Network and build relationships: Building strong relationships with colleagues, clients, and industry contacts can help you stay connected and aware of potential job opportunities – making it easier to bounce back should you be laid off.

To learn more about Sharp Decisions, get in touch with us here. For more insights, follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter, and find job opportunities on our careers page.

To learn more about Sharp Decisions, get in touch with us here. For more insights, follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter, and find job opportunities on our careers page.