Is Your Hybrid Workplace Prepared for Cyber Attacks?


October 25, 2023

Sharp Decisions
Employee Prepared for Cyber Attacks

More and more companies are further developing their hybrid workplaces after a year and a half of being thrown into figuring it out on the fly. With employees working at their homes, it’s even more important to bolster your cyber security capabilities in the event of a cyber-attack.

While hybrid workplaces are certainly becoming the new normal, they do allow for additional points of entry for potential hackers with employees connecting to intranets from their devices at home. In a 2020 report from Malwarebytes, it was found that 28% of people who responded to their survey said they used their personal devices for work more often than their work-issued devices. If the company is unable to control the device being used, the data could be more likely to be compromised.  

According to CBS News, it was found that insecure home computers and smart phones became a large target for cyber criminals during the pandemic. So, not only is it important that employees receive devices to use at their home office, but it is also up to management to make sure the employees are using the devices they are given to ensure safety for private company data.

While ensuring your company is protected by cyber-security experts, it is also important to teach employees about typical phishing scams and how to identify fraudulent websites that may be trying to steal information. CBS News also mentions roughly 85% of successful data breaches come from human error as opposed to exploiting holes in a company’s security.

As companies continue to learn how to successfully implement hybrid workplace operations, they need to rely on experts to ensure their information is secure from cyber-attacks.

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