How to Support Women in Leadership Roles


October 25, 2023

Sharp Decisions
Support Women in Leadership Roles

Despite the gains that women have achieved in rising to senior leadership roles in the workplace, there are still challenges that remain.

Women in leadership roles are more likely than ever to quit as a result of workplace unhappiness, according to the 2022 Women in the Workplace report from McKinsey. So, what can be done to support women in leadership to prevent turnover of women in the workplace? Here are a few tips:

Highlight inclusion and diversity

A McKinsey study found that women leaders were 1.5x more likely than their male peers to have left a job to seek a position at an employer that is more committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Creating an equal workspace isn’t just good for workers, it’s good for business and retaining senior leaders.

Call out microaggressions

Women are just as likely as men to seek leadership roles in their company. However, they face more microaggressions that undermine authority once in these roles compared to men. The McKinsey study found 37% of women in leadership roles had a coworker take credit for their ideas. In comparison, only 27% of men surveyed experienced this situation. In a healthy work environment, no one should claim credit where it is not due. When these situations do arise, they should be corrected swiftly.

Provide flexibility

49% of the female leaders surveyed said flexibility is one of the top three considerations they make when deciding to join or leave a company, compared to 34% of men in leadership. For women under 30 years of age who were surveyed, it was found that almost two out of three would be more interested in advancing in the workplace if they saw senior leaders embracing flexibility and a healthier work-life balance.

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